Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My crystal garden & my data analysis

Day 1

Ok we have made the garden and we have put  the different solutions  in the gardens now we need to wait for the crystal to grow
hear are some of the steps i did to make my garden
 step 1


step 3

step 4

And you have to wait for the final product  while the crystal grow but i can show my coler map.

To grow my crystal I used  the salt solution, boron, the sugar solution, NH4H2Po4 and magnesium salt
 I think the boron will grow fastest and the sugar solution will grow slowest. I think my tree that is socking i the sugar solution will grow faster then the some of the other that are not socking in a solution.

day 2
Not much changed today but I am seeing some crystals grow on the clay.

I did not see many changes today. Since a lot of my crystals were not growing, I decided to make a tinfoil cup and filled it with one and a half cups of solution.  I put two big curled pipe cleaners into the solution.  Hopefully, they will soak up the solution and grow crystals.  Also, on my cardboard tree I see little crystals forming.  Last Thursday, I put my crystal garden against the heater hoping that the heat would help the crystals grow.  Unfortunately, the heat dried up the clay under the dirt in my garden and made a big crack in my garden.  I hope to see more crystals in my garden tomorrow.

 day 7

When i looked at my garden to day i was happy to see that the crystals on my card board tree are still growing. there are some little cryatals starting to grow in the pipe cleaners. i am looking forward to seeing what has change in my garden tomorrow

day 13

I went to look at my garden   because i have not seen it in a while.I was wondering how my salt solution was growing in my in foil bole of pipe clears. the pipe cleaners looked so fuzzy but when i touched them it was spike and hard.I saw that the crystal where growing on the tin foil and the pipe clears. It looks so cool. cant wait to see my garden  tomorrow

Day 17

 when i looked at my garden today i saw that there was crystal  growing in my little table. i have must have drop a drop of  solution on the little table by accident. but it did grow well. the pip cleaner crystal are still growing slow but still growing. My cardboard tree is also still growing but not by much. I cant wait to see my garden tomorrow. till then 

       How Do Crystals Grow Data Analysis
For the last couple weeks, my 6th grade class has been growing crystal gardens.  I found that for my garden the salt solution grew the best crystals on pipe cleaners.  The pipe cleaners were in a tin foil cup filled with the salt solution.  The pipe cleaners absorbed the salt solution and over a week and a half it grew hard crystals.  When I tried to take the pipe cleaners out of the tin foil, it turned out that the crystals grew the best on the bottom of the pipe cleaner close to the tin foil.  I found that the sugar crystals grew the slowest for my garden but they still grew.  In my garden, I grew magnesium sulfate solution crystals on my clay.  These grew on my clay flowers in two days.  They grew the fastest.  This was the easiest solution to grow crystals for my garden.  The slowest crystals to grow in my garden were the sugar solution crystals.  It was supposed to grow on my pipe cleaner but instead the sugar harden maybe because my garden being on the heater.  In conclusion, I found that for the crystals to grow faster and better putting the crystals near heat may help.  Also, not all solutions grow on all surfaces.  Looking at some of my classmates gardens, I saw that they used the same solutions in different ways on different things.   Some of their crystals grew well and some did not.  I observed some people who used cotton swabs, which some solutions grew well on and some did not.  Therefore, it seems to me that the type solution is most important in growing crystals.  
                              Here are some solutions that we used to make our gardens.
·         Borax
·         nacl (salt)
·         magnesium sulfate
·         sugar water
·         Epsom salt

        Now here is a picture of the crystals we grew in a cup.


1 comment:

  1. Very good conclusion backed up by the evidence you collected and your observations of other gardens.
