Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Indonesia volcano erupts, 20 hurt by hot ash

Indonesia volcano erupts, 20 hurt by hot ash
By Salmet Riyadi, Associated Press
October 26, 2010

It was a difficult week for many Indonesians when several natural disasters hit.  Indonesia is an archipelago or a large chain of about 17,500 islands located in Southeast Asia in the Pacific and Indian oceans.  A volcano named Mount Merapi located in central Java erupted this week. Twenty people were injured by hot ashes from the volcano.  Earlier in the week, people were evacuated from the volcano are mostly children and the elderly.  However, many grownups decided to stay to take care of their farms and homes at the bottom of the mountain.  An even more serious natural disaster occurred at almost the same time.  Eight-hundred miles away in Sumatra a strong earthquake struck.  It caused a tsunami or giant ocean wave which is reported to have killed over one-hundred people on remote islands so far.   These types of natural disasters are common in Indonesia because it is located along the Ring of Fire in the Pacific where fault lines occur.
In conclusion I hop there will be no more natural disasters this week in Indonesia or in any other country.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Gliese 581g

“Gliese 581g: If there's life there, how will we know?”
Written by Mike Wall in The Christian Science Monitor on
4 October 2010

This article is about the discovery of a new planet called Gliese 581g. Scientists believe that there is a 100 percent chance that Gliese 581g has life on it. They think this because Gliese 581b is not too hot or too cold and may have water. With today’s advanced technologies such as new telescopes scientists can study Gliese 581g to learn more about it. Because Gliese 581b is over twenty light years away from the Earth’s surface, it may take scientists many decades to find out what kind of life exists there if any. They can begin studying Gliese 581g by listening for emissions with radio telescopes. Another way scientists can learn about Gliese 581g would be to study its atmosphere but they do not have a way to do this for Gliese 581g yet. I wonder if someday we will be able to leave Earth’s atmosphere and vacation on Gliese 581g.