Tuesday, April 19, 2011

KWL on Forces in Motion

Today in class we started our new unit on forces in motion. I have to say I really don't know much about forces in motion. What I do know is that my teacher will teach me all about forces in motion. What I know is that it has something to do with how things react to motion. For example, the vibration in a pool. Before the first person jumps in, the pool is totally still. After you jump in, there is a vibration in the water going out from where you land in a circle surrounding you that looks like a wave. Also, cellphones send signals in sound waves. You can't see them but they are still there. I would like to why things react to motion and why the forces of motion exist. I would like to know what other things react to the forces of motion besides the things I know. Today in class we started to learn all about the different types of forces of motion. I was most interested in the roller coaster and skate boarding and how gravity works. Now I know why they make me wear a seat belt on roller coasters. If you didn't, the forces of motion would just fling you out of the ride. We don't want that to happen do we? In conclusion, throughout this unit I think I'll learn a lot about stuff I didn't know about before on the forces of motion.

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